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Priyansh, hailing from Rajasthan, embarked on a journey that led him through hostel life and educational pursuits before discovering his passion for filmmaking. Since his debut in 2007, he's been dedicated to storytelling and performance, constantly honing his skills through workshops and diverse training.

His interests range from acting to singing, gymnastics to MMA, showcasing his thirst for exploration and readiness to face challenges. Beyond his creative endeavors, he finds joy in crafting espresso shots and designing homes, often with his feline companion, Chica, by his side.

Despite the demands of his craft, Priyansh seeks solace in nature, frequently trekking to gain clarity amidst life's complexities. His dreams alternate between the freedom of van life and the allure of the stage, where he blends preparation with instinctive talent to create moments of pure magic.

Priyansh Jora


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